Worship at Cloverdale United Church:
Every Sunday morning at 10:30 am 

The worship of God together in gathered community sits at the core of our life together as a congregation here at Cloverdale United Church.  In the rhythms of prayer and music, scripture and preaching, ritual and sacrament, we come together to praise God, be renewed in our faith, lift up the needs of the world into God’s heart, and be called and empowered to go forth in mission to the world.

Expressive, participatory liturgy; thoughtful preaching; a blend of new and traditional hymnody; and soul-stirring music are some of the elements you can expect to encounter each Sunday.

Each Sunday we are one congregation gathered for worship in two ways: in-person and online.  You are invited to worship God along with us either by coming to the church sanctuary in person or by connecting with our livestream worship via Zoom.


If you decide to come in person for Sunday morning worship, we want you to know that we will never put you on the spot or single you out.  And as a newcomer, we hope you will:

  • enjoy the music and feel free to join your own voice in song, too;
  • dress however you feel comfortable (jeans or dressy, it doesn’t matter to us);
  • stay around after the service for some refreshments and an opportunity for us to meet you and you to get to know us.

You will be greeted at the door and you will receive a worship bulletin... like a program at an event, inside you'll find a complete order of what's going to happen, along with all of you need in order to participate as you are comfortable.  There's also news-and-notes inside about other things going on here at Cloverdale United Church throughout the week.

Children are welcome at all services!  It is important for families to worship together.  Don’t feel your child must be absolutely quiet or still, for we are glad to have children—and all their wiggles, giggles, and squiggles—as part of our community and worship life!  After all… as an old saying goes, “faith is caught, not taught!”  A majority of Sundays throughout the year, following a children's time during the worship service (about 1/3rd of the way in), children are welcome to go with our Children & Youth Leader for "children's church" faith formation programming in another part of our church building.  For parents of the youngest ones among us, the Quiet Room right off of the sanctuary is also available where you can still see and listen to the service in a comfortable space where your young one can move about freely. 


You are also welcome and invited to be a part of our worshipping congregation by joining us online! Connect live via Zoom on Sunday mornings, with our livestream started up by 10:15 am for our 10:30 am worship service.  Connecting via Zoom, you'll be able to see and hear what's happening inside the sanctuary, and (if you choose to turn on your video) those in the sanctuary will be able to see you, too.  (For reasons of audio intelligibility, though, we'll mostly have to keep you muted.) 

Click here to launch Zoom for worship services

Cloverdale United Church worship services Meeting ID: 984 637 594
Passcode: 574 5813
Local telephone dial-in number: 778-907-2071