Why Become Affirming When We’re Already Welcoming?

As Chair of CUC, I am asking for your support of our Affirm United Ministry Team in their search for 2-3 more participants.

The Affirm United ministry team at CUC led by Candy Nieuwenhuizen, would appreciate your inclusive and welcoming efforts in support of those from the LGBTQ2S Culture, who are looking for faith communities that provide welcome and safety to LGBTQ2S folks.  Disenfranchised from their birth families, many youth and older adults often find unhealthy ways to fill in the painful void created by a lack of healthy and/or supportive relationships. Belonging to a church family and a life of faith can be an element in healing and healthy living. This is a call to us which is imbedded in our THRIVE Mission Statement, (including MA25:38) “to live our life as Jesus would”.

Please, contact Candy or any other Council Representative, if you feel you can lend your support of other “newcomers” served by this important Affirmed initiative. The City of Surrey has also recently highlighted the much needed community support for this culture within the recent immigrant and refugee population. Links to their recent Community Study can be found at:


Thank you.


Yours In Community,

Lynda Brind-Dickson, Chair
Cloverdale United Church