In the Season of Advent, we orient ourselves toward the coming of Christ in history, mystery, and majesty: the baby of Bethlehem, the glimpses of Christ's presence in our midst now, and the coming again of Christ in glory at the end of all times. This week, the journey of preparation continues with a Festival of Lessons & Carols for Advent and Christmas. Through the witness of scripture readings from of old and poetry and other reflections from contemporary voices, woven together with rich Advent hymns and beloved Christmas carols, we’ll look toward God’s vision of a world where inequities are banished, valleys are lifted up, and all have the resources they need for collective flourishing. Even in the places where the message we hear in Advent is a needed one of repentance and reorientation, it still is a message ultimately of joy. We are called to collectively build and repair the structures of our society; we are called to be kin-dom builders. Wherever we build, God is there. What we build should be a place with a large table and room for all.